Ecuador, the country with the highest density of volcanoes, is a paradise for mountaineers. Snowy, inactive or even active volcanoes, easy to climb mountains or challenging snow-crowned volcanic giants, where absolute climbing experience is required – the little country has it all.
Get to climb the highest volcano in the country, the Chimborazo (6,310 m), an active volcano Cotopaxi (5,897 m), these are popular destinations for many experienced mountaineers and climbers.
We offer mountain climbing tours with different levels of difficulty. Also for the necessary acclimatization before any other thing we have the right programs for you. Climb with us the volcanoes Cotopaxi, Antizana, Chimborazo, Cayambe, Iliniza and many more.
Grow beyond yourself! The spectacular views from the peaks and the uplifting feeling of being so high up are worth the effort! We have the best qualified mountain guides (ASEGUIM) and motivated staff to ensure a safe adventure.